About Luke

I have a PhD in English Literature (University of Sussex, 2015), MA in Literature, Religion and Philosophy (University of Sussex, 2009), and BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature (University of Oxford, 2001).

As an academic, I specialise in British and American poetry of the 19th and 20th centuries, with a particular focus on American Beat and ‘counterpoetic’ writers, and the influence of the British Romantics on these later movements. I have published and spoken widely on these topics (see ‘Publications’ and ‘Media’ below), and am currently writing my first book, William Blake and Allen Ginsberg: Romanticism, Counterculture and Radical Reception.

My work is highly interdisciplinary, exploring intersections between literature and other fields including social and political history, esotericism and the history of religion.

I have taught at the University of Sussex, University of Chichester, and University of Roehampton. I have also worked as a secondary school teacher and as a political campaign organiser.


(PDF files of many of my chapters and articles can be downloaded from my Academia.edu page.)

Journal special issue (guest editor)

Chapters in edited collections

  • ‘Blake and the Visionary’, in Allen Ginsberg in Context, ed. Erik Mortenson (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2026).  

Journal articles


  • ‘“Relationships of ownership / They whisper in the wings”: Bob Dylan and William Blake.’ Presentation at Global Blake: Musical Afterlives symposium, 2024. YouTube | Spotify

  • “Some spiritual, political and academic contexts of Allen Ginsberg’s Blake recordings.” Presentation at Global Blake: Musical Afterlives symposium, 2024. YouTube

  • ‘“Visions! omens! hallucinations! miracles! ecstasies!”: Allen Ginsberg’s retellings of his “Blake Vision”.’ Presentation at Global Blake symposium, 2022. YouTube

  • ‘Allen Ginsberg and his Blakean revival.’ Interview on Rejected Religion podcast, 2022.

    Part 1: YouTube | Spotify | Apple | SoundCloud

    Part 2: YouTube | Spotify | Apple | SoundCloud

  • ‘Ginsberg, Blake and Wordsworth: Romantic Poetry and Psychedelic Consciousness.’ Presentation at Breaking Convention conference, 2017. YouTube